
Tenerife Airport Telephones

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Telephone Numbers

Below is a directory of Tenerife Airport Telephone Numbers. Remember to add the dialling code 0034 if you are ringing from the UK.

We have included telephone numbers for the main Information lines, airlines and baggage handling companies at Tenerife South Airport.

If you leave something on the plane then you should contact your airline direct, but if your luggage does not arrive, is damaged or delayed .you need to get in touch with the relevant baggage handler as detailed below. They are located in either the ground or first floor luggage halls depending on who you are flying with.

Knowing how roughly bags can be handled when being loaded and unloaded from the plane, if you do want to add some extra protection to your luggage there are plastic wrapping machines in the ground floor departures hall.

For items left in the airport terminal the best point of contact is the lost and found desk on the ground floor in the public area of the arrivals hall.


Airport Information 922 759 000
Tourist Information 922 392 037
Taxis 922 759 009
VIP Lounge 922 759 425


Airline & Baggage Handlers

Airline Telephone No Ground Agent Telephone No
Aer Lingus 922 759 378 Iberia 922 759 391
Air Europa 922 759 244 Air Europa 922 759 126
Binter Canarias 902 875 787 Groundforce 922 759 087
Easyjet 922 759 576 Menzies 922 759 576
Iberia 922 759 378 Iberia 922 759 391
Jet2 902 881 269 Jet2 902 881 269
Monarch Airlines 922 759 378 Iberia 922 759 391
Ryanair 922 759 693 Ryanair 922 759 693
Thomas Cook 922 759 475 Phoenix 922 759 475
Thomson Airways 922 759 378 Iberia 922 759 391
Vueling 922 759 378 Iberia 922 759 391


By Linda Craik Google+

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