
Santiago Weather

santiago de compostela weather
Car hire


You can see what the weather is like in Santiago de Compostela today and get an hourly forecast for the next 5 or 10 days by clicking on the link below

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Santiago de Compostela is 40km from the coast in Galicia the very north west of Spain and is one of the wettest places on the Iberian Peninsula. The climate is damp which means that it tends to be mild and wet in winter and warm and humid in summer, while evenings can be chilly.

The area surrounding Santiago de Compostela is often referred to as "Green Spain" with its lush green landscape. The climate tends to be cooler than most other regions of Spain, so during the summer months when other locations tend to be very hot, Santiago de Compostela will be very comfortable with average temperatures of between 20º-25ºC.

Winter months are cooler averaging 8º-10ºC, but still relatively mild. But still bring something warm to wear when the sun goes down in the evening or to go out at night and some warm slippers or socks to wear when walking on the stone or marble floors.


By Linda Craik Google+

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