
Lanzarote Airport Telephones

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Car hire

Telephone Numbers

Below is a directory of the main Lanzarote Airport Telephone Numbers.

You will see that by the side of the airlines I have written who their local representatives are and the telephone numbers for those companies. If there is a mix up with your luggage and it does not arrive or is in a damaged state then it is best to contact these companies at the airport first.

If you miss your flight or leave anything on the plane then get in touch with your airline, and if you leave anything in the airport terminal lost property is the place to check if it has been handed in.

You can find out more about how to use the VIP lounge in our passenger information section.

Please remember to use the International dialling code for Spain (0034) if you are calling from outside Spain or from a non Spanish mobile.

Main Telephone Numbers

General Airport Number 928 846 000
Lanzarote Tourist Office 928 820 704
Lost Property 928 846 001
VIP Lounge 928 846 345


Airlines and Ground Handling Agents

Airline Agent Telephone
AerLingus Swissport 928 846 133
Air Europa Air Europa 902 401 501
Binter Binter 902 491 492
British Midland Ace Handling 928 846 220
Easyjet Swissport 928 846 133
Iberia Iberia 902 400 500
Islas Airways Islas 928 846 220
Jet2 Phoenix 928 846 249
Monarch Ace Handling 928 846 220
Ryanair Lesma Handling 807 110 162
Thomas Cook Phoenix 928 846 220
Thomson Airways Clever 914 141 481
Tuifly AVH 928 860 205


By Linda Craik Google+

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