
Fuerteventura Weather

fuerteventura weather
Car hire


You can see below what the weather is like on Fuerteventura. Click on the image if you want a forecast for the next 5 or 10 days.

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What to Pack

The location of the Canary Islands means that they have a good all year round climate with warm temperatures and limited rain. But when it does rain here it tends to be torrential and no matter what you are wearing you end up getting very wet.

The island can also get quite cloudy with the temperature changes it experiences between day and night. But if you wake up to a grey sky don't get too depressed as the clouds are often burnt off by the sun as it rises and heats up during the morning.

The summer temperatures are not as stiflingly hot and sticky as in Southern Spain. Although they are still high, there is usually a breeze to cool things down a bit and give you some air.

If you are visiting during the low season the days will probably be warm but it does get cold in the shade or when it gets dark, so bring something warm to wear if you are going out.

I always pack plenty of clothes which can be layered so that you can put more on as it gets cooler. Also make sure you bring some slippers with you as the marble or stone floors which are prevalent in most of the accommodation are relentlessly cold to walk on. And if you are sitting around try and position yourself somewhere where you can put your feet on a rug as the cold rises up through your legs.


By Linda Craik Google+

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