
Palma Airport Telephones

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Car hire

Telephone Numbers at Palma Airport

Below is a list of the main Palma Airport Telephone numbers.

You will see that by the side of some of the airlines I have written who their representatives are (if they have one) and their telephone numbers. If you have any problems with your travel, miss a flight, leave something on the plane or there is a mix up with the luggage then they are the people to contact.

There is also a lost property office on the ground floor Telephone: +34 971 789 456.

Another useful number is the "Blue Jackets" who are a team of customer service assistants who will be able to help with all aspects of travel to and through Majorca Airport. Their number is +34 971 789 924

Please remember to use the International dialling code for Spain (0034) if you are calling from outside Spain or from a non Spanish mobile telephone.


By Linda Craik Google+

Useful Telephone Numbers

General Enquires 971 789 000
Customer Services/Blue Jackets 971 789 924
VIP Lounges Formentor: 971 787 693
Miro: 971 789 631
Lost Property 971 789 456
Tourist Info 971 789 556


Airline & Ground Handlers Telephone Numbers

Airline Representative Telephone Number
Air Berlin AGA 902 333 335
Air Europa Air Europa 971 789 972  /  971 789 979
Air Nostrum LA Mediterraneo Iberia 971 789 972  /  971 789 979
Cityflyer Express   902 131 024
Easyjet   902 599 900
Iberia Iberia 971 789 972  /  971 789 979
Jet2   902 881 269
Lufthansa   902 883 882
Monarch Airlines Iberia 971 789 972  /  971 789 979
Ryanair Lesma 971 789 647
Thomas Cook   +32 70 22 32 20
Thomson Airways   914 141 481
Tuifly Acciona 902 012 512
Vueling Iberia 971 789 972  /  971 789 979
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